HP Automatic Duplexer for Two-sided Printing Accessory - duplexenhet

HP Automatic Duplexer for Two-sided Printing Accessory - duplexenhet CF062A
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  • The two-sided printing accessory (duplexer) saves you money by cutting paper consumption in half
  • The HP two-sided printing accessory accommodates media sizes from 5.83 x 8.27 to 8.5 x 14 inch
  • It also works well with a variety of plain papers, so you can create two-sided engineering designs, marketing proofs and financial spreadsheets
  • Two-sided printing (duplexing) is done automatically with this accessory, so you can get down to business and not hover over your printer
  • When both sides of the page are used, there are fewer pages to manage and final documents are less cumbersome
HP LaserJet automatiska dubbelsidiga utskriftstillbehör sparar tid, pengar och papper. Med detta tillbehör skrivs ett arks båda sidor ut automatiskt så att du kan koncentrera dig på viktigare uppgifter. Du kommer att se besparingar i budgeten eftersom pappersförbrukningen skärs ner till hälften.


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