HPE FIP-210 - Expansionsmodul - Gigabit Ethernet x 2 - för HPE 6604, 6608, 6616

HPE FIP-210 - Expansionsmodul - Gigabit Ethernet x 2 - för HPE 6604, 6608, 6616 JC167B
Dolt pris
Hewlett Packard EnterpriseTillverkareHewlett Packard EnterpriseArtnr
  • High-performance processing
  • Comprehensive service features
  • Support for hot swapping
The FIP-210 flexible interface platform provides two high-speed interface module (HIM) slots, which are compatible with HIMs of the SR6600 and some MIMs of H3C MSR/AR series routers. The FIP-210 provides two fixed GE interfaces (combo interfaces), which work at the optical interface mode (using SFP modules) or electrical interface mode (supporting MDI/MDIX autosensing), supports comprehensive service features, and thus effectively enhances interface density on routers and reduces user investment.


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